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Makeup to Enhance not Mask

Many women worry when thinking of having their makeup professionally applied because they believe that they will come out not looking or feeling like themselves. My mission is to enhance your natural beauty, to bring out the best aspects of your face and to minimise those things you would rather not draw attention to. My aim is to find a makeup look that helps you feel more confident, more beautiful but still like you and to teach you how to achieve this at home.

Sometimes only the best will do, and for those special occasions my Red Carpet Makeup will help you to feel your very best. Just sit back, relax, and let me create a unique and flattering makeup look just for you.

Finally, every Bride should feel and look her very best on her wedding day. I create beautiful, fresh, elegant and classic bridal makeup tailored to the individual so that you will not only look your very best but you will still feel like you too.

About me

Hi, my name is Emma Clare and I am a Professional Makeup Artist.

I have always loved makeup and decided to follow my passion and train professionally as a makeup artist.

I was trained by Emmy and Bafta award winning makeup artists at the prestigious School of Makeup in Manchester.

Makeup gives us the ability to be exactly who we want to be. Knowing that you can help people to look and to feel their very best is certainly the best part of my job. Whilst it is great to make beautiful models look even more gorgeous using skilful makeup, I much prefer working with real women. I love making women feel good about themselves and enhancing their own natural beauty. I don’t apply makeup so that people think “Wow, isn’t her makeup great” but so that they say “Wow, she looks great today, I wonder why?”

It is my sincere mission to spread beauty and confidence to as many women as I can one face at a time. My objective is to make every one of my clients appear stunning by the skilful use of only the highest quality makeup and the latest application techniques.

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