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Makeup for When You Feel S**t

So, you’ve woken up after a bad night’s sleep, your period has started, the menopause is kicking you around, you just feel s**t! However, the show must go on, you need to go to work, take the kids out, go to an appointment etc. What to do with the face?

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What You See in the Mirror is Often Wrong…

I have discovered an almost universal truth since doing my Makeup Lessons and that is that women are extremely good at pointing out their own imperfections, as they see them. The last part of that sentence is really important, as they see them…

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Why have a Makeup Lesson?

Most women want a magic pot of cream or concealer or bronzer or lipstick which doesn’t cost the earth and transforms them with very little effort. We are not deluded, foolish or ridiculously optimistic in this desire, a whole industry is built around perpetuating this myth. Millions of pounds are spent on fancy product launches, celebrity endorsements and advertising telling us that this foundation is simultaneously going to eradicate our enlarged pores, hide any wrinkles or fine lines, give us a “lit from within glow”, last all day and basically transform us into the people we want to be. Don’t get me wrong, there are some tremendous makeup products on the market but trying to sort the good from the bad can be a very difficult and expensive task, and whilst one product might be great on your friend it may not work for you.

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Hourglass Gel Eyeliner

Because I am constantly caring for your beautification, each Friday in the Weekend Beauty Fix, I plan to share some of my best beauty finds and some tips and tricks.

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